Reality TV

Reality television have been growing and taking over not only people television screens but their lives. Reality TV has both an enormous amount of positive and negative effects. Most reality television shows are made for entertainment purposes and are not reality at all. People get paid to make situations seem realistic to viewers and to pretend like situations truly happened they were displayed in an episode.
However some situations are very realistic and truly did happen. Whether it is fake or real, people, especially young ones, tend to find a way to relate to it or to act the way the see their idol acting. Shows like Bad Girls Club are constantly showing fights and bullying. Young girls watch this show, picks who their favorite “bad girl” is and applaud and praise them every time they get in a fight. Although the producers try to make it seem as if they are on the show to better themselves, they encourage the drama because the drama is what gets them viewers.
When Bad Girls Club first started out, they truly did try to promote change in the girls by making them work and if they got in a one fight, they would be sent home immediately. Now, in the more recent seasons, a girl can get in multiple fights before being sent home. The only way a girl would be sent home for a fight is if they did or was close to causing major damage to someone. Many girls have jumped other girls in the house yet they still get to stay on the show because the viewers love them.
In the current season airing, the producers have taken a new route and have a life coach to help each girl in the house. The life coach job is to find out why each girl is a “bad girl” and to help them turn themselves around and to change for the better. The life coach encourages them to talk about their past so they can work for a positive future.
Although the producers brought in a life coach to show the girls the way they are acting is not okay, this only takes a small portion of the show. The show still shows mainly violence and bullying. It has some positive aspects by promoting change in the girls’ negative behaviors but the way the act, makes young girl think this is a way they can get on TV and get paid by acting bad.

From Child to Adult

I was born on December 30, 1995 in Northside Hospital. I was my mother and father third child and last child together. I have an older sister and brother. The three of us was raised in Marietta initially but when I was three my father and mother split up and my mother, my siblings and I moved to Douglasville.
When we moved to Douglasville, I was too young to start school. My mother had worked at a daycare in Lithia Springs and I went there with her every day. Growing up, I was really attached to my mom and suffered separation anxiety every time we were away from each other. Even though we were at the same daycare, we were not in the same room and this made me separate myself from everyone and cry all day. If I was forced to interact with the other children, I would cause a fit because I knew they would call my mother and I could see her.
As I got older, my separation anxiety from my mother began to become extinct. I started school and I was very shy at first. I was so used to being with my mother every day or at least being in the same building as her. It took me a while to get used to being without her but as soon as I opened up to making friends, I began to become comfortable to being without her.
Normally the process with a mother and daughter is as a child, you love your mother and hate being without her, then you grow to hate being with her and want to everything on your own or with your friends as you get older and become a woman, you learn to truly appreciate your mother and everything she has taught you. This is how my experience with my mother is going so far. Either right now, we may not agree with each other and we both feel as if neither one of us even tries to understand each other, I know one day I will understand everything she tried to teach me and the reason behind it.

“The Real Cost” Campaign

There have been several tobacco commercials on television lately. The one that sticks out to me the most is when a young lady is attempting to purchase a pack of cigarettes. The lady at the registers informs her she does not have enough money to purchase the cigarettes. The young girl then peels skin off of her cheek as an additional form of payment. The Food and Drug Administration did a good job of convincing everyday smokers and non-smokers between the age 12-17 of the dangers of smoking tobacco has because of the harmful effects it has on the body and it was an actual person dealing with the tobacco.
Smoking tobacco has multiple negative consequences. In this commercial, the consequence the girl had to deal with was loss of skin. When you smoke, you tend to age faster and gain wrinkles. Your skin also begins to deteriorate which is what happen to the young girl in the commercial. Smoking effects your skin everywhere not just in the face. It also affects your hands and nails. As your face wrinkles, the skin on your hands wrinkles as well. Your nails start to turn yellow. Most people do not find any of this appealing. This is one of the negative aspects of smoking tobacco. This scares people from smoking which is the outcome this commercial was attempting to achieve.
Most tobacco commercials just talk about or explain what their point is. They’ll show statistics and try to impact their audience based on numbers. When viewers of this commercial see an actual person peeling their skin, it makes them notice how realistic and dangerous smoking tobacco can be. Regardless if it is a commercial, seeing a real person peeling their skin off for drugs influences the audience minds of staying away from tobacco.
Smoking has many harmful effects whether it is physical, emotional or mental effects. This commercial focuses directly on the physical effects of the body. The FDA is trying to influence people, especially young kids of staying away from drugs. Their message of preventing people of smoking tobacco was greatly delivered.

Advice for High School Students

High school can be a very difficult and stressful experience or it can be one of the greatest experiences someone ever has. It all depends on what you make of it and how much you put towards it. Kids struggle throughout all four years of high school because they started off wrong. Starting off wrong has multiple negative consequences. Fortunately, some people are able to overcome a damaging beginning. Most adults warn kids about this but they do not normally listen unless it is coming from someone closer to their age.
As a freshman, most students are just happy to finally make it out of middle school and to high school. They feel a sense of freedom. They are focused on making friends, attending school events and joining clubs. This is all a part of an unforgettable experience. The more you do, the more memories you make. Sport events are always fun are great opportunities to meet people and hang out with friends. They are also provides chances for you to show your school spirit and to support your school. Joining clubs is another way of meeting people and getting involved in your school. Joining clubs also impacts college plans because colleges look at how involved you are. Although, high school should be a fun and memorable experience, it is important and critical to stay on top of your grades.
Getting sidetrack and distracted is very easy when you have a lot going on. As you get older, you realize what is most important. Sometimes clubs and even friends can alter and effect how well you perform in class. If you pay too much attention to friends and going out and having fun versus your education, you grades will show it. It is hard to bring your GPA back up if you do poorly the first couple of years in high school. Some students do not pay attention or care for the grades until their junior year. At this point, there is a lot of making up to do and sometimes it is not possible to come back.
It is important to have a good balance of having fun and studying. Although you can have many good memories from all the fun you have, you do not want to regret being lazy or procrastinating when it comes to your grade. With each situation, whether positive or negative, there is a lesson learned. You should always make the most of opportunities that comes your way but also stay wise and try to stay clear of anything that will impact you negatively in your future.

Georgia State

     My journey here at Georgia State University can help me in many ways for my future. There is so much you can get out of Georgia State, whether is a club or organization, meeting people you can network with, or making lifelong friends. I can also benefit from the resources Georgia State offers.
     The major I have chosen is film and video production. With a degree in my major, I plan to become a producer, although I’m not too sure if I want to produce movies or shows yet. One of the first steps I need to make is to start interning. Seeing how Georgia State is in the heart of Atlanta, I have so many opportunities close to me. I can greatly benefit from being a student at Georgia State University because there are plenty of companies around that produces movies and/or shows and with the help of the campus’ resources, I can get an internship. Top studios like Tyler Perry Studios, Radiant3, and Spitfire Studios are all located in Atlanta. Another thing that interested me is how Georgia State will help in writing resumes or will review a resume already written. They will also help practice interview questions with you to help you prepare. Resumes and interviews are both things I am unfamiliar with so I plan on making great use of those resources.
     Georgia States has a club or an organization for practically everything. For any hobby or interest, there is a club for everybody. I do not want to limit myself to organizations that relate to my major. I want to experience clubs that has to do with leadership and helping the community such as Student Government Association. I also want to be a part of a cultural club. These organizations not only help me learn more about my community or give back to it, but it also provides an opportunity to meet more people. With the career I want, the more people I know the better. Making movies cost an abundance of money and if I know people who are willing to be sponsors to my project or give me loans, it makes my job a little simpler. Plus, it is always nice to receive help or to be able to help people. If I know someone who wants to be an actor or a camera man, I might be able to give them a job.
     There are so many positive effects of being a student at Georgia State and I’m anxious to see what my journey here will be.

Ebonics as a Language

     Ebonics should not be classified as a language. It comes down to a hypocritical and contradiction of what blacks fought for initially. Blacks fought to be equal with whites, but every opportunity they acquire they try to differentiate themselves and label themselves their own people. Is “Ebonics” a matter of African Americans having their own language as a way of making an identity for themselves or a way of separating themselves from a society their already a part of?
      Those in favor of Ebonics as a language argue that, blacks should have their own language because they have their own culture. Ebonics is considered a “black language” so in all actuality blacks are shutting people who aren’t black away from the whole culture. Ebonics is nothing but a form a dialect. The way a person from up North talk is different from someone from the South but we don’t identify them as different form of the English language. They’re simply dialect. It all comes from the same place, same country, which makes it the same language, one language, English. Ebonics is nothing but an informal way of speaking English.
      African Americans also try to steer themselves away from other people referring to them as black. They didn’t want their language to be called “Black English” so they came up with the word, Ebonics which comes from the words ebony and phonics. The word ebony is just another form of black. They’re “sugar coating” the word black but the meaning of a word doesn’t change.
Most common goals for people include getting good grades, getting a good job or even meeting famous people. Speaking Ebonics will not help you do any of these. You cannot make an A on a paper if it isn’t written in Standard English. If you’re in an interview, you speak Standard English not Ebonics. If one had the opportunity to meet the president, would they speak in Ebonics? Dr. Robert L. Williams is the man who coined the term Ebonics, yet during his interview with George Yancy about it, he spoke nothing but Standard English.
       There are many different languages in the world. If I go to Spain, it would be best I learn some Spanish. If I go to Germany, I should have some knowledge of German. If someone from France was to come to America, would it be necessary for them to know English and Ebonics?

How social media enhances the work place and hurts it

Social media can enhance the work place by providing ways to involve themselves with customers, increase customers base, and provide ways to let the customers know what is going on with the work place. 

  Social media provides a way for businesses to communicate with their customers. They use websites to address customers problems and concerns. When customers have a complaint or just a simple question, they can use social media to help them. They can also communicate with their customers by providing opportunities for their customers such as deals. This not only helps businesses but it also makes customers happy.

  With Social media, people are constantly sharing their favorite place to go or a good business to use whether it’s a food place or a dentist office. When they share this, their friends and family can see it and try to experience it themselves. This helps the company grow and get a larger fan base. 

  Additionally, with any change going on with the business, customers can know through social media. When a work place change location, they can let all the customers know through social media. When the business is growing they can also display that on social media. Customers do not have to go to the workplace to find out such information, they can easily get access to it online.

   Although there’s a lot positive ways to enhance the work place through social media, there are also ways that can bring the work place down. Social media sometimes gets harsh and brutal. If something goes wrong with the work place, someone can take it to social media and it goes viral. The work place then has to deal with all these negative comments and they are at the potential of losing customers. 

   With a work place, there is always risks. A company cannot grow without taking risks. Despite the negative aspects that comes with social media, it is better for a business to make use of it. It helps the company grow, better themselves and make their customers happy.

What my social media say about me

  My main use of online sources is twitter and instagram. On my instagram, with over 200 pictures, I show I’m very family oriented and greatly appreciate spending time with my brother,my sisters and my niece. I also spend my time with my friends, whether it’s for celebrating birthdays, visiting colleges, or just hanging out at each other houses. In my profile picture I look very sadity and stuck up but when you scroll through my pictures you see I’m normally happy and always doing silly stuff like sneaking pictures of my friends or just posting funny pictures. 

   On my twitter, I tweet about my general way of thinking, my morals and beliefs, and things I like and don’t like. I rarely tweet my own tweets, I just retweet others people tweets. In a way, this shows, I’m quiet and don’t say much, which is very untrue. I talk about my accomplishments such as graduating as an honor grad, grades, and awards I receive. Most of my tweets are about how I like being alone and sleeping. I also tweet about how I’m not necessarily a friendly person and how I’m insensitive to people feelings at times. My tweets show I’m a realist, not really pessimistic or optimistic but a mix a both. I did have an old twitter account which I ended up deleting which said a lot more about me. I had over 20,000 tweets and tweeting everything and anything and following many people. It’s different from my new twitter cause I really just follow close friends and rarely tweet anything. 

   If you Google my name, despite it’s not a common one, rarely anything pops up. The one thing that does pop up, is my old MySpace page. You can see, I was very young and loved to take model-like poses. Comparing the pictures on my MySpace to the pictures I take now, you see a major difference. On my MySpace I was always trying to take cute pictures and tried to look my best while on my instagram, I will post my worst pictures up of me looking a fool and not care. 

  My online life describes the type of person I am in many ways, in both positive and some negative manners